
Dallmeier Sponsored European Dealer Championship 2023

Better insight for gaming departments thanks to video technology

Dallmeier, a leading manufacturer of video technology for casinos, once again sponsored the European Dealer Championship 2023 which took place from 12 to 14 June in Brussels. The company was present with a stand featuring a live camera system with AI-video analytics on board. Casino managers were able to discuss with Dallmeier’s casino experts how they can better utilize their gaming floor and get a better insight into table games.

Ep Smit, Senior Enterprise Solutions Manager, and Reda Seiliute, Manager International Business Development, from the Dallmeier casino team at EDC 2023 Photo credit: Dallmeier electronic

Find the ‘person of interest’ in 3 minutes instead of 20

In the past, surveillance managers mainly used camera systems to secure different areas of the casino and to meet the requirements of the casino authorities such as table surveillance. However, state-of-the-art camera systems are now increasingly benefiting the gaming departments as well. At EDC 2023, Dallmeier casino experts Ep Smit and Reda Seiliute demonstrated how casinos can use a Dallmeier Panomera® W8 360° camera to monitor large indoor casino areas and track persons of interest in much less time. By using 8 lenses in one optical unit, the Panomera® W8 provides the operator with unlimited ‘virtual’ PTZ cameras and in many cases eliminates the need for PTZ cameras on the gaming floor. In short, by using the Panomera® W8, casinos have a better overview of the gaming floor and greatly save on infrastructure and operating costs.

Fast adjustment to new table positions

Visitors were also able to see Dallmeier Domera® cameras in action, monitoring the final dealer competitions in Blackjack and Roulette – which were even broadcast on the streaming platform Twitch. Casino operators were also able to see how Domera® cameras can be quickly adapted to new table positions on the gaming floor thanks to the ‘Remote Positioning Dome (RPod)’ feature. This benefits gaming departments as they can try out different positions of the tables without worrying about spending too much time for adjusting the cameras by climbing up a ladder and fiddling with the fine adjustments.

Better utilization of the gaming floor

Advanced AI video analytics, whether in the camera itself or via third-party analytics apps, enable other useful applications. One of these is AI-based people counting. This allows gaming managers to be automatically notified if there are too few or too many people in an area so they can open more tables or close tables if the occupancy of individual tables is not optimal.

CAT: More insight and better monitoring of table games

Gaming managers can also use Dallmeier’s Casino Automation Technology (CAT) to count chips and cards at tables and track their movement. By using cameras and AI analytics, this makes it easier for them to monitor chip inventory and prevent fraud. Another benefit of CAT is that casinos can monitor payouts or detect errors to ensure that players receive fair and accurate payouts.

“We’re very pleased with the response to our smart casino solutions we got at this year’s European Dealer Championship in Brussels. In many conversations, visitors to our stand realized that they can use video cameras for so much more than just for receiving high-resolution images,” explained Ep Smit, Senior Enterprise Solutions Manager at Dallmeier, “The benefits range from being able to track a person on the gaming floor much faster to quickly adapt to table positions on the floor, to using AI video analytics to make casino operations much more efficient.”



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