
Enlite Enable: The Access Management Solution Revolutionizing Workspace Security


Shakti Leekha, Chief Business Officer, Enlite Research Private Limited

In today’s fast-paced world, the importance of seamless and efficient access control systems cannot be overstated. The need for touchless, smarter, more secure solutions has led to the rise of touchless access controls. Enlite, a company that is developing wireless solutions for the built world, has taken access management to new heights with its groundbreaking access management solution. This cutting-edge system is reshaping the way we interact with our workspaces, providing a safer and more convenient access experience.

Introducing Enlite: Pioneering the Future of Access Control

Enlite is a rising star in the realm of sustainable and innovative solutions for the built world. Their mission is clear and powerful – to inspire tomorrow by creating a compelling today. Through years of research and development, they have unveiled Enlite Enable, an innovative touchless access management smart device that caters to the evolving needs of modern businesses.

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Enlite’s customer-centric approach and dedication to innovation have earned them trust across various sectors, from small startups to multinational corporations. With Enlite Enable, they are at the forefront of the access control revolution, empowering businesses to embrace a more secure, efficient, and touchless workspace.

Top 10 Features of Enlite’s Access Management Solution

  • Lightning fast contactless check-ins & checkouts: Enlite Enable transforms the way employees access their workspace. A simple tap of the RFID card or the use of an app on the smartphone grants them seamless entry and exit. This contactless approach not only enhances efficiency but also fosters a hygienic workplace, addressing health concerns in today’s world.
  • Access & manage from anywhere: With Enlite’s webbased platform and app, administrators can manage access control from anywhere. Grant or revoke access, configure user permissions, and monitor real-time access events – all in the palm of your hand.
  • Sync users automatically: Managing users becomes a breeze with Enlite’s automatic user synchronization. When employees join or leave the company, access permissions are updated in real-time, ensuring an always up-to-date access control system.
  • Troubleshoot hardware online: Enlite’s proactive approach to hardware maintenance allows administrators to troubleshoot issues online, minimizing downtime and streamlining maintenance efforts.
  • Download history logs: Comprehensive access history logs provide valuable insights into user movements and access events. Enlite enables you to download and analyze these logs for enhanced security and auditing purposes.
  • Granular and site level permissions: Administrators have granular control over access permissions, allowing them to define specific access levels for individual users or groups. This flexibility extends to managing access control at both individual site levels and multiple locations.
  • Easy integration: Enlite’s Access Management Solution seamlessly integrates with other security and business systems, creating a comprehensive security ecosystem. The interconnected approach enhances overall security and optimizes operations.
  • Detailed reporting: Data-driven decision-making becomes effortless with Enlite’s detailed and customizable reporting. Monitor occupancy status, analyze access patterns, identify trends, and make informed decisions for a more secure and efficient workspace.
  • Lockdown/ emergency mode: In critical situations, Enlite’s lockdown/ emergency mode enables administrators to secure the workspace instantly by restricting access to specific areas or the entire facility, enhancing workplace safety and preparedness.
  • Scalability: As your business grows, Enlite’s Access Management Solution grows with you. Whether it’s a small office or a large corporate campus, the system can be easily scaled to meet your changing needs, ensuring a future-proof investment.

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Top Reasons to Choose Enlite’s Access Management Solution

  • Multiple credentials for enhanced convenience: Enlite’s Access Management Solution offers multiple credential options giving users the freedom to choose the access method that suits them best.
  • Appealing aesthetics enhancing the workspace: Enlite Enable’s sleek and minimalist design blends seamlessly with any architectural style, the smart product engineering allows for plug & play installation. Its high-quality PCBs & Heavy Duty components allow for long life.
  • Automatic alerts for real-time security: Stay on top of security events with Enlite Enable’s automatic alerts, which instantly notify administrators of any unusual access events or security breaches.
  • Web-based management for streamlined control: Administrators can conveniently manage the access system from anywhere using Enlite Enable’s user-friendly webbased platform, ensuring constant connectivity and control.

Unlocking the Future of Access Control with Enlite Enable

Enlite Enable Access Management represents the future of workspace security and efficiency. With its touchless check-ins, remote access management, automatic user synchronization, troubleshooting capabilities, and much more, it sets the benchmark for next-generation access control systems. This solution has already been deployed in buildings across India. By choosing Enlite Enable, businesses can unlock the full potential of their workspace security and access management needs. Embrace the touchless revolution with Enlite Enable and create a safer, more efficient, and technologically advanced workspace for your employees and visitors.

 *Views expressed in the article are solely of the Author

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