
Integrated Thermal Imager and Roughneck NDAA Compliant AI PTZ

Vicon’s high-powered thermal sensor cameras provide 360° coverage of open spaces to detect, identify and track intruders. Combined with Vicon’s high-speed SN683D PTZ dome camera, the resulting product delivers situational awareness of any physical incursion that may threaten a facility or its perimeter, doing the work of multiple fixed cameras, decreasing the number of security personnel needed to monitor critical areas.

The continuous 360° scanning for thermal intrusion detection monitors both inside and outside the perimeter using sophisticated analytics to determine and classify detections. It provides rapid geospatial detection of multiple targets from every direction. Instant slew-to-cue PTZ autotracking action allows multiple targets to be observed simultaneously and provides immediate confirmation and forensic coverage. When a detection occurs, the coordinates are sent to the integrated PTZ, triggering an instant response to zoom in on the incursion. Human intrusions can be detected over a wide area of 1640ft (500m) and vehicles over an area of 4921ft (1500m).

Available in with 320×256 and 640×512 resolutions and a variety of lenses, there is a model to fit any installation. With the built-in TRIA functionality, the thermal sensor and PTZ outputs can be displayed in a unique combined view that clearly shows any intruder’s location and identity.

The unit easily integrates into Vicon’s Valerus as well as many other VMS solutions over LAN or mobile. It can also be used as a standalone product and viewed in a browser using its IP address.

Product at a Glance

  • Thermal detection and tracking of intruders up to 1640 ft/ 500m in a 360° panoramic view.
  • Integrated high-speed, Vicon’s V2005D-PTZ Roughneck AI PTZ which provides real-time tracking.
  • One thermal unit can replace up to 8 fixed cameras.
  • Geospatial tracking on localized maps.
  • Excellent performance regardless of lighting or weather conditions.
  • Dual inputs to VMS provide PTZ image and multi-screen customised images from the thermal imaging sensor.
  • Perfect for large storage yards, parking lots, power plants or other secure areas.
  • The unit easily integrates into Vicon’s Valerus as well as many other VMS solutions over LAN or mobile. It can also be used as a standalone solution and viewed in a browser using its IP address.
  • The VTR thermal sensor and PTZ when combined, deliver a mission-critical and operationally relevant solution for wide area intrusion detection. This provides comprehensive and cost-effective perimeter security through analytics-based thermal intrusion detection and geospatial alarm generation.

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